"When the sky will not be named" by Isabel Nolan on display at Dublin's Kerlin Gallery until January 15th.
Irish Film Institute (IFI) and aemi present ‘So, what did you do today?’ A series of short films selected and introduced by visual artist Isabel Nolan IFI, Wednesday, 12th January, 6.15 pm
The absurdity or vagueness surrounding the typical workday of an artist is one of the themes of ‘So, what did you do today?’, a selection of artist films curated by visual artist Isabel Nolan that will be screened at Dublin's Irish Film Institute (IFI) on Wednesday, 12th January 2022 at 6.15 pm. The event will feature a number of important films by international artists and will be a rare opportunity to experience many of these works on the big screen. The event coincides with the final week of Nolan's exhibition "Spaced Out" at Dublin's Kerlin Gallery which is open to the public until January 15th.
Amongst the films to be shown, “Soft Materials” (2004) by American artist Daria Martin is a 16mm film shot in the Artificial Intelligence Lab at the University of Zurich. “Moving in Place'' (2002-05) a film by Joan Jonas, the American video and performance artist, was previously on show at London’s Tate Modern. “Scotch Tape” (1959) an important early work by Jack Smith a pioneer of underground cinema will also be shown, as well as films by artist Anita Delaney.
The event has been organised by artist film organisation aemi and coincides with “Spaced Out”, Isabel Nolan’s solo exhibition currently on show at Dublin’s Kerlin Gallery. Speaking ahead of the event Nolan remarked:
“Sometimes, as an artist, it’s awful to be asked what you did on a given day. You’re confronted by the vagueness or absurdity of describing time spent trying fairly idiosyncratic stuff out to see if it works. Some of these films record odd, gloriously impractical actions; some are set in functional spaces; some feature familiar objects activated in peculiar ways; occasionally dogs are involved. There is watching and dancing. On good days I believe art is a beautifully inconvenient way to love a difficult world.”
“So, what did you do today?” will take place on Wednesday 12th January at 6.15 pm with a running time of 85 minutes. The screening will be introduced by artist Isabel Nolan. Tickets can be purchased here.
For further information visit aemi.ie
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