Startup PR
Startup PR Company
Culturehead are a Dublin based Public Relations (PR) Company specialising in Startup PR and digital communications for startup businesses based in Ireland.
What is Startup PR?
Startup PR is the business of influence and persuasion. Your Public Relations company will help you to identify your target audience, convey your company's value proposition and help to generate new leads or users for your business or product. A cohesive Public Relations strategy for your startup is an integral part of your marketing funnel.
Startup PR: Defining your Startups Value Proposition
The first step to creating your Startup’s Public Relations Strategy is to have an effective and cohesive Value Proposition. A value proposition is defined as the “promise of value to be delivered, communicated, and acknowledged”. Your Value Proposition is a concise description of the innovation, service or features that makes your Startup service or product of interest to your potential customer or user. Your Public Relations company will assist you in crafting a Value Proposition that will capture the attention and imagination of your potential prospect. At every touchpoint within the media, your Public Relations company will work to effectively convey your startup’s value proposition.
As part of your startup’s PR strategy your Value Proposition should include:
1. Target Market: A definition of your startup’s target market. Who is that your product or service is aimed at. This is often based on features such as location, gender, age, beliefs or behaviour.
2. Insights: Your startup's value proposition should include a clear description of what it is you are providing. What problem is your startup solving for the end-user?
3. Alternatives: As part of your startup PR strategy you will want to carry out detailed research into your competitors. Who already solves the problem that you are proposing to solve and what makes you better than them? Often for startups, this is based on elements such as price, location or speed.
4. Reason: Reason to believe that your startup can deliver on its promises. Often this based on elements such as experience, expertise or testimonials.
5. Differentiate: As part of your startups Public Relations message, you’ll want to stand out from the crowd. Your value proposition should articulate your Unique Selling point (USP).
Startup PR:
Benefits of Public Relations to Startups

Having a cohesive public relations strategy is a vital part of any startups sales funnel. Your public relations company will secure your startup earned media across television, print, radio and online. Research shows that customers are more likely to be influenced by earned media as opposed to paid advertising.
The benefits of a public relations strategy for your startup include:
1. Cost: A successful public relations campaign will always be far more cost-effective than paid advertising.
2. Influence: You potential target audience is more likely to trust and be influenced by an authentic piece of earned media from a source they trust.
3. Reach: An effective public relations strategy will help your startup reach its specific target market. Further cross-channel reinforcement of your value proposition and coherent sales funnel will help to convert the audience you have reached into potential leads, news users or customers.
4. Thought Leader. With the correct framing of your brand’s story and the right placements within the media, an effective Public Relations campaign can position your startup as thought leaders within your field of expertise.
5. Customer Loyalty. Earned media helps to reinforce the positive aspects of your startup within the minds of your current customers and can increase the likelihood of them staying loyal to your brand.

Startup PR:
Measuring Success
When it comes to PR campaigns for Startups, Public Relations companies differ in how best to measure impact. In comparison to digital marketing where results are defined and measurable, it can be difficult to calculate the return on investment from Earned Media.
When it comes to working with Startups, at CultureHead, we set the following objectives to measure the success of our PR campaigns:
1. Placement. Based on your target market you should agree on specific media placements in advance with your Public Relations company. With these goals set you can use them as a high-level measurement of how successful your startups PR campaign has been.
2. Reach. Based on the placements or features that your PR company has secured on your behalf you can work out how many people you have reached based on the readership, listenership Etc. of the particular feature.
3. Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) Your PR company will be able to provide you with a price equivalent to what a similar size advertisement would cost based on the size of your placement and reach.
4. Engagement. You can measure the success of your startups PR campaign by measuring how your target market has engaged with your earned media. Your PR company will be able to supply you with metrics such as how many shares or comments your campaign has achieved.
5. Inbound Marketing. During the course of your Startups PR campaign metrics such as an increase in website traffic, new leads generated or requests for product information will help you to judge the impact of your PR campaign.
6. Organic Press. A sure sign that your tech public relations campaign has been successful is if you are receiving organic requests for further interviews or placements.
Startup PR Services
At CultureHead we provide startup PR services specifically to businesses in Ireland.
Our Public Relations services for startups include:
Developing your startup's Value Proposition.
Competitor situation Analysis
Identifying your startup’s target market
Developing a strategic public relations strategy for your startup
Startup media launch
Photo Call & Syndication
Maximising earned media
Access to key industry influencers
Optimising your startup’s press material for editorial
Startup Crisis PR
Media Interview Preparation
CSR scheme management
Management of Startup’s event launches

CultureHead are a Dublin Based PR Company specialising in Public Relations (PR) and Digital communications for startup businesses in Ireland.
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